Hi, my name is Katie Samye. I'm a Clinical Hypnotherapist working in the UK.

Katie Samye BA, MSc, Dip.Hyp

Hi, my name is Katie Samye. I'm a Clinical Hypnotherapist working in the UK.

Katie Samye BA, MSc, Dip.Hyp

From Wall Street to Bare Feet

I have an incredible amount of life experience. I’ve studied in Academia, worked on Wall Street and travelled in the foothills of the Himalayas. I have two children born out of a love story that spanned continents.

And yet I know what it’s like to struggle with confidence, to face loss, and to have to start again; to have challenges and blocks that you believe you’ll never get to the bottom of.

It took me a long time to become comfortable with the gifts and abilities I have.

Over the past 15 years I have taught women how to connect with their unconscious mind through Yoga and a form of Hypnosis called Yoga Nidra.

I still teach Yoga Weekends by the sea in North Yorkshire in the UK; they’re great for somatic bodywork and integration (click here if you are interested in coming along).

My Life's Purpose

My main body of work is now in Clinical Hypnotherapy, providing breakthrough reprogramming for what's been holding people back from achieving health and happiness.

Hypnotherapy is a relatively short term therapy with a very real potential for long term change. It can help with a vast range of issues, from isolated phobias and generalised anxiety to soul-level healing.

My life’s purpose is to help people connect with their unconscious mind, through hypnosis, for their own healing.

I’m really good at it! Check out the testimonials

I would love to assist you on your journey. Book in for a free 30 minute consultation today.
